Bikini Bash (7x9)

Bikini Bash (7x9)

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Product Information
Two piece outfits allow for range of motion - and a lot of attention! These images were taken during the videography of the DVD by the same name, "Bikini Bash." We had just moved into a new facility and hadn't quite gotten the lighting and camera work down yet. But while these images aren't quite as good as those in books in our other listings, we believe they're more than good enough for publishing, and becoming a hard-copy representation of our ThunderGirls history.

Here we have Diana vs Luscious Lee, Cherokee vs Diana, and Luscious Lee versus Cherokee.

70 images on 26 pages.

Pages: 26
Size: 7 x 9 inches (wide)
Paper: 65 lb matte stock with 80 lb glossy covers
Perfect bound

Price includes USPS Media Mail shipping within the U.S.
Product CodeBIBA79

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