Leggy Blondes (7x9)

Leggy Blondes (7x9)

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Product Information
It's almost iconic - beautiful girls in denim shorts. But we break that stereo type when it's our battling blondes wrestling for ThunderGirls.

It's Diana taking on Luscious Lee in action that appears to be devoted largely to leg punishment: ankle locks, figure-fours, step-over-toe holds and more. Becca even makes a brief appearance to shift the tide of battle.

Over six-dozen images on 38 pages of girls-next-door action.

Pages: 38
Size: 7 x 9 inches (wide)
Paper: 65 lb matte stock with 110 lb glossy covers
Perfect bound

Price includes USPS Media Mail Shipping within the U.S.
Product CodeLEBL79

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